

Our service of worship is rather traditional in format and somewhat progressive in content. People come in casual clothing. Newcomers are both hoped for and welcomed.

Food and Fellowship

Join us during Coffee Hour following our each Sunday service for a time for kids to grab a cookie or two, adults to share a cup of coffee, and new folks to meet long timers. We also have regular Small Fellowship Groups and occasional activities such as Movie Night or Dinners Out at a local restaurant to provide both all-ages and child-free fellowship.


Music is a vital part of our life together. We sing traditional and contemporary hymns, enjoy music by our Covenant and Handbell choirs, and provide music opportunities to children of all ages.

Recent Sermons

May 14 - Praying and Living in the Name of Momma God
May 7 - Hope When There Is No Hope
Apr 30 - A World Transformed by Lives Transformed

Upcoming Events

AA-Dry Noon | Dec 26, 12:00 pm
HomePlate | Dec 26, 4:00 pm
AA-Dry Noon | Dec 27, 12:00 pm
NA Old School | Dec 27, 7:00 pm
AA-Dry Noon | Dec 28, 8:30 am