The boards are as follows:
Buildings and Grounds
Christian Education
Mission and Outreach
The membership of each board is elected at the Annual Report and Election Meeting to serve for a one year term or until a successor is elected. After serving three consecutive one-year terms on the same board a member is ineligible to serve on that board for one year. Each board will consist of at least three but not more than six persons and will elect its officers from its membership. The Board of Christian Education may also include a member of the Senior High youth, giving that board a maximum of seven voting members. Chairpersons must be active members of the Church. Each board will submit a report for the Annual Report and Election Meeting.
Buildings and Grounds. This board will have the care and custody of the property of the church subject to concurrence of the Board of Directors and the limits of Article V.
Christian Education. This Board has supervision and direction of all education work of the church. It has charge of the church school, with full power to appoint and remove teachers. The Director of Christian Education staff person will not be a voting member of the board.
Deacons. This board will cooperate with the Pastor in ministering to the spiritual interests of the congregation and the evangelical needs of the community. They will assist in the preparation and administration of the sacraments, in caring for the poor, the sick, the sorrowing, the indifferent and the stranger. They will make an annual survey of the church membership roll and at the Annual Report and Election Meeting submit recommendations to the church regarding necessary revisions. They will provide for the supply of the pulpit in the absence of the Pastor. They will accept for membership in the church those whom they deem prepared for membership.
Finance. This board will have charge of the financial affairs of the church, subject to concurrence of the Board of Directors and the limits of Article V and Article IX. The Finance chairperson will appoint one member of the board to serve on the Stewardship Committee, one to serve on the Memorials Committee, and one to serve on the Budget Committee. The Treasurer and Financial Secretary will not be voting members of the board.
Mission and Outreach. This board will provide leadership and direction within the church for our Christian response to the social needs and justice within the church, the community and beyond to the world. This board will solicit ideas, leadership and assistance from among church members, cooperate with community agencies where possible and supplement the activities of those agencies. They will direct such activities as One Great Hour of Sharing and Neighbor’s in Need.
Music. This board will direct the church’s music program by making evaluations and recommendations regarding contracts and contract renewals of the music staff of the church, developing and submitting budgets for the entire music program, developing and recommending policies and procedures for the music program, making recommendations for the purchase and maintenance of the music instruments of the church. Music staff members will not be voting members of this board.
There are the following committees:
Church Growth
Pastoral Relations
Committees other than those listed may be formed at the discretion of the Pastor, Moderator, or the various boards. All committees of the church will function as an extension of the Board of Directors or one of the other boards of the church. Membership on all committees is by appointment of the Moderator, or by the Pastor, or by the Chair of the originating board and will terminate when successors are appointed following the next Annual Report and Election Meeting. A member may serve consecutive terms on any committee without limitation.
Budget. The members of this committee will be appointed annually by the Moderator with the advice of the Board of Directors. It will consist of one representative from each board and the Treasurer. The Treasurer will have an advisory role and will not be a voting member of the committee. This committee will report to the Board of Finance. It will be the duty of this committee to seek budget recommendations from all boards of the church, consult with the Stewardship Committee, and present a completed budget proposal to the Board of Directors for their approval.
Church Growth. The members of this committee will be appointed by the Moderator with the advice of the Board of Directors. This committee will report to the Board of Deacons. It will be responsible for publicity, orientation and assimilation of new members, and building relationships within the wider community.
Fellowship. This committee, appointed annually by the Board of Deacons, will provide ample and varied opportunities for fellowship for all church members, encourage active participation of individuals and families, and coordinate and direct the life of the church through association with the various groups within the church. It will strive to emphasize and strengthen the relationship of people to the church through group participation, and to initiate such activities to further that purpose. It will appoint and supervise committees for church potlucks and fellowship hours.
Memorials. The members of this committee will be appointed by the Moderator with the advice of the Board of Directors. This board will promote church giving through gifts, trust or bequests by members or friends of the church. This will be done through advice, counseling and education on both a collective and individual basis. They will recommend disbursement of Memorial Funds to the Board of Finance. They will maintain records of memorial accounts and make reports as required by the Board of Finance.
Nominating. The members of this committee will be appointed by the Moderator with the advice of the Board of Directors. This committee will meet as required to prepare nominations for all offices and boards of the church. It will prepare a slate of candidates nominating one person for each position or office. This slate will be the official ballot at the Annual Report and Election Meeting. Nominations from the floor will always be recognized.
Pastoral Relations. The members of this committee will be appointed by the Moderator, acting on the recommendation of the Pastor. Its function will be to enhance the ongoing relationship between the congregation and the Pastor. While the Pastor and church members are encouraged to be open with one another, this committee will provide nurturing support, mediate conflicts, and pursue resolutions agreeable to all concerned. This committee will meet as necessary to fulfill its functions and all discussions and deliberations will be considered confidential unless agreed otherwise by the Pastor and members of the committee.
Stewardship. The members of this committee will be appointed by the Moderator with the advice of the Board of Directors. One member will be a representative from the Board of Finance. The Financial Secretary will have an advisory role and will not be a voting member of the committee. This committee will report to the Board of Finance. It will be the duty of this committee to articulate a program seeking a commitment of time, talent and treasure by all members and friends of the church on a continuing basis. They will prepare an estimate of next fiscal year’s income in time for use by the Budget Committee.
The officers of the church are: Moderator, Clerk, Treasurer, Financial Secretary and Historian. No officer will be elected who is not an Active member of the church.
All officers listed in Section 1 will be elected at the Annual Report and Election Meeting and will serve for a period of one (1) year or until their successors are elected and qualified.
In the event of a vacancy in office, the Board of Directors will select a replacement for the unexpired term.
The Moderator, as lay leader of the church, is charged with the general welfare and growth of the church, and is concerned with fostering and maintaining good relationships within the church.
The Moderator serves as President of the Board of Directors and has the necessary authority and responsibility for the administration of the business affairs of the corporation, subject to the powers reserved to the church members, these By-Laws and such directions as given by the Board of Directors.
The Moderator presides over all meetings of the Board of Directors and Congregational meetings. The moderator may serve a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms.
The Clerk keeps an accurate record of the proceedings of the church. The clerk keeps a register with addresses of the members of the church, with dates and modes of their reception and removal. The Clerk also records baptisms and marriages. The Clerk issues letters of transfer, preserves communications and written official reports; gives legal notice of all meetings when necessary; conducts official correspondence as necessary, and performs such other duties as are prescribed by law or as usually pertains to the office of Clerk. The Clerk is an ex-officio member of the Board of Directors. The Clerk may serve a maximum of six (6) consecutive terms.
The Treasurer disburses all church funds on the orders of the Board of Finance and the Board of Directors. The Treasurer keeps an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements and makes reports as required by the Board of Finance and the Board of Directors. The Treasurer is a non-voting member of the Board of Finance. The Treasurer will complete and make available the Annual Fiscal Report within 45 days of the end of the fiscal year. This report will be published in the Annual Report. The Treasurer may serve a maximum of six (6) consecutive terms. The incoming Treasurer will be elected at the Annual Report and Election Meeting and will take office at the end of the fiscal year during which they are elected.
The Financial Secretary receives and keeps an accurate account of all money given to the church; keeps an accurate account for each donor; deposits monies received to the proper accounts; and furnishes contributors with statements of their accounts and makes reports as required by the Board of Finance and the Board of Directors. The Financial Secretary is a non-voting member of the Board of Finance. The Financial Secretary will complete and make available the Annual Financial Secretary’s Report within 45 days of the end of the fiscal year. This report will be published in the Annual Report. The Financial Secretary may serve a maximum of six (6) consecutive terms. The incoming Financial Secretary will be elected at the Annual Report and Election Meeting and will take office at the end of the fiscal year during which they are elected.
The Historian keeps a journal of all occurrences of interest to the church and is responsible for its historical material. The Historian may serve a maximum of six (6) consecutive terms.
The Pastor has charge of the spiritual welfare of the church with the assistance of the Board of Deacons. The Pastor enlists persons as followers of Christ, preaches the Gospel, administers the sacraments, and administers the activities of the church in cooperation with the various boards and committees. The Pastor designs and has final responsibility for services of worship. The Pastor will be a member without vote on all boards and committees.
When a vacancy occurs in the pastorate, the Moderator, the Chairperson of the Board of Deacons and the Chairperson of the Board of Finance will each submit a list of names to the Board of Directors from which they will select a Pastoral Search Committee. The committee conducts the search for a new Pastor and submits their selection to the Board of Directors, which, after their approval, proposes election to the membership at a duly called meeting. Election is upon an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3rds) of the members present at such meeting.
When the Pastor is temporarily absent, the Board of Deacons provides for the supply of the pulpit. When the pastorate becomes vacant, the Board of Directors selects a Pastor to serve the interim period until a regular Pastor is elected.
The term of the Pastor is indefinite. The Board of Directors, upon the affirmative vote of a majority of the membership at a duly called meeting will serve the Pastor with a sixty (60) day notice of termination. Likewise, the Pastor has the right, to give sixty (60) days notice in case he/she wishes to leave the service of the church. If the Pastor loses United Church of Christ ministerial standing, the Pastor’s term with the church may be subject to immediate termination.
All contracts of the corporation are the responsibility of the Board of Directors.
All checks, drafts or other orders for the payment of money, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the Corporation will be signed by officers, or agents of the corporation designated by the Board of Directors.
The corporation keeps current and complete books and records of its actions.
The following actions require the approval of the majority of members voting at a duly called meeting. (a) The borrowing of any sum, exceeding $2,500, or has a stated term greater than one (1) year, or which is secured by a mortgage, trust deed or security instrument of all or any portion of the church’s real property or the creation of a security interest in the Corporation’s personal property or assets. (b) Any voluntary dissolution, merger or consolidation of the church with another church or with another corporate entity. (c) The sale or transfer of all or any of the church’s assets exceeding $1,000. (d) The guarantee of any debt. (e) Any unbudgeted expenditure in excess of $1,000. (f) Any amendment of the church’s Constitution and By-Laws, or the Articles of Incorporation.
Memorial funds are those funds bequeathed to the church with certain restrictions and to funds given in memory. Such funds will be in the care and custody of the Board of Finance and will be disbursed based on the recommendations of the Memorials Committee and as approved by the Board of Directors.
Any amendment to these By-Laws requires the presence of at least fifteen (15) percent of the aggregate of Active and Associate members at an Annual Report and Election Meeting or a meeting specifically called for the purpose of amendment, and with two-thirds (2/3rds) of those present voting in favor of the amendment.
The above Constitution and By-Laws are an amendment and fully replace and supplant the Constitution and By-Laws adopted on January 28, 2007. The above Constitution and By-Laws were adopted at a regularly called and conducted meeting of members held the 24th Day of January, 2010.
By Marcia Gilliland, Moderator
By Lynn Taylor, Clerk