There are many ways to give to our congregation. Financial support is always appreciated, but a contribution of your time and talent is also needed. Many people are unable to serve on committees or make a long term commitment to an activity for a variety of reasons, but there are numerous short-term tasks that need to be routinely done on Sunday mornings and at other times throughout the week and year. Please check any of the activities below that you are willing to help with one time or more. The committee members overseeing these activities will be in touch with you as needs arise. Name * E-mail address * Worship Worship Lay Reader Greeter Acolyte (youth only) Coffee Hour volunteer (1 month) Substitution list for coffee hour (1 week) Outreach and Mission Outreach and Mission Family Promise meals for area homeless families Family Promise overnight volunteer for area homeless families Sign up to provide a Christmas Basket for a local family in need Help with 10,000 Villages sale in November/December Assist with advertising, outreach, or graphic design for specific projects, as needed Volunteer with immigrant justice, LGBTQ, or other advocacy projects Building and Grounds Building and Grounds Work party for outside work Work party for church clean-up inside Regular grounds maintenance (e.g. lawn mowing, summer weeding Window washing Cobweb removal and dusting, flipping pew cushions Minor painting projects Music Music Music filing and organizing Help move bells and tables before and after church service, as needed Play an instrument for special music Share other musical talent Education Education Sunday School safety and support person Sunday School teacher or substitute Short-term Adult Education leader Decorate fellowship hall or vehicle for Trunk or Treat event Christmas pageant workgroup Christmas pageant setup Vacation Bible School teacher Make Vacation Bible School decor in a Saturday in May or June Vacation Bible School setup one Sunday in June after church service Help with Parent Day Out fundraisers in December and March Office Office Occasional proofreader Other office help as needed Committee/Board Committee/Board Serve on a committee (Fellowship, Worship, Budget, other) Willing to serve on a board (1-3 years) Other Other Assist in planning All Church Camping Trip Help with church auction in February (planning committee or at the event) Other Other activity that you would like to help with our skills that you would be willing to share (comfortable with budgets and spreadsheets, skilled with organizing groups or activities) Comments Leave this field blank